Transport Service
Our transport service is available for families who need support for their child/children to attend preschool regularly. The service covers Wainoni, Aranui, Bexley, Avondale, and some parts of Bromley and Linwood.
Car restraints in each van have been professionally installed with anchor points on individual seats.
Each van has two staff members when picking up children and at least one of them holds a current first aid certificate.
The service runs during preschool operating hours.
Children are picked up between 8.30am - 9.30am and returned home between 2.45pm - 3.45pm.
This is a free service for any children who attend our Just Kids centres. The vans are also used for taking the children on short trips in the local community.
Parents can apply for the service at the time of enrolment by talking to our administration staff.